
在做lisp解释器的时候发现,eval跟apply函数相互调用,而eval又自身调用自己处理过程类似二叉树遍历,比如跑这个(define (p) (p)),而后调用(p)就会堆栈溢出,从backtrace中可以发现都是eval挂了,消除递归目前我知道有四种方法可以消除递归调用:

  • 对于普通函数,逻辑上可以修改成循环方式,可以消除递归上的困扰。
  • 一定要使用递归的,可以修改成尾递归,或许编译器可以帮你优化,大部分编译器可以做到。
  • 对于二叉树类型的递归,因为一个要调用left、right两个分支,而这个有点棘手,我采用的方法是消除其中一个,把它修改成goto方式,这样可以避免溢出。
  • 还有一种方法,弹跳床技术,好像很多lisp实现用了这个方法,它就是在尾递归的基础上做的,把尾递归改称循环。



;;seems have some bug in sasl-string-to-utf8 if the string is nil it run error ? rewrite it will be ok :).

(in-package :sasl)
(defun string-to-utf8-lisp (string)
"Convert STRING to UTF-8.  Return a vector of unsigned-bytes."
(if (eq string nil)
(setf string ""))
(let (result)
    (loop for c across string
    (let ((code (char-code c)))
    ((<= code #x7f)
    ;; 0xxxxxxx
    (push code result))

   ((<= code #x7ff)
    ;; 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx


用了好久的mac,突然意识到不对劲,因为ls没有颜色,不能区分文件类型,这样问题来了,怎么修改颜色。ok,第一步先查看一下man ls结果找到了。一个叫LSCOLORS的环境变量设置,如下:

 LSCOLORS        The value of this variable describes what color to use for which attribute when colors are enabled
                 with CLICOLOR.  This string is a concatenation of pairs of the format fb, where f is the foreground
                 color and b is the background color.

                 The color designators are as follows:

                       a     black
                       b     red
                       c     green
                       d     brown



1. Put the text into the buffer as UTF-8, Type=2, but then set Type=1 (as binary) and write that out. That might convince ADODB.Stream to skip adding the BOM.

2. Create another buffer, as type binary, and use the CopyTo to copy the data to that buffer from a point after the BOM.

3. Read the file in again using Scripting.FileSystemObject, trim off the BOM, write out again


Set sqlStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") 